Start Reverse SSH Tunnel On Boot
My Issue: I have a Ubuntu VM running on my Windows 11 via HyperV virtualization. I cannot SSH into that Ubuntu VM because its using the default networking which creates a NAT.Read More…
My Issue: I have a Ubuntu VM running on my Windows 11 via HyperV virtualization. I cannot SSH into that Ubuntu VM because its using the default networking which creates a NAT.Read More…
Here is what bat is:
When downloading from the internet (example from Torrents), you might have a lot of directories with rar files. Some sources provide most to all of their content archived in single or multipleRead More…
This trick works for Linux servers and also if you are using WSL2 on Windows to run Ubuntu (or whatever *nix OS) and you are trying to utilize ssh keys with yourRead More…
First we get all of the known hosts with Angry IP scanner. Then we launch a parallel nmap scan. Get a list of possibly alive IPs with angry ip Download angry IP:Read More…
Ordered a 2TB thumb drive to use for backups off Amazon. It was only 30$ so I gave it a shot. I should have known as Sandisks are in the hundred orRead More…
Wordle is an interesting 5 letter word puzzle game. To learn how to play it just watch the first video link below. To cheat thru it with regex, first, get the allowed_wordsRead More…
Generator functions allow for yielding which is an important skill to have when you are becoming advanced with python. It basically allows creating lists but not caring about the whole list, onlyRead More…
This is a simple python script which uses the WebEx API. WebEx is a chat system created by Cisco. However its alot more then just that, its full on collaboration tool thatRead More…
I can never remember the order of arguments for the ln command (link command). The easiest way to think about it is to rethink of the “cp” (copy command) instead of “cpRead More…