How to combine/merge 2 or more folders virtually(sym/hardlinks):


Lets say you have a Movies1 and Movies2 folder and you want their contents to be visible through a Movies folder (which has the combination of Movies1 and Movies2). They dont take up the extra space thus its virtual (because symlinks/hardlinks are involved)

Or more example type of scenario imagine folder 1 and 32 that you want to combine to folder 3:

├── 1
│ ├── s
│ ├── x
│ ├── y
│ └── z
│ └── 1
└── 2
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c


├── 3
├── s
├── x
├── y
└── z
| └── 1
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c

Note: 1 and 2 still exist they are just not shown

* 3 is not in alphabetical order but it would be after the combine with a simple “tree” command.
* To get similar output download “apt-get install tree”
* shopt -s dotglob is used below for * to also “grab” hidden files
* Source file paths have to be absolute in such case (that’s why I used $PWD), because cp “can make relative symbolic links only in current directory”.

You can “copy” whole tree using symlinks (or hard links if you want) automatically using -s option of cp (or -l for hard links).

# cd /testfolder
# mkdir 3
# shopt -s dotglob # <—- optional – turns on dotglob to grab hidden dot files with *
# cp -ans “$PWD/1/”* 3/
# cp -ans “$PWD/2/”* 3/
# shopt -u dotglob # <—- optional – turns off dotglob if you turned it on

VARIATION NOTE: the ” ” are optional so you could just put:
# cp -ans $PWD/1/* 3/
# cp -ans $PWD/2/* 3/

VARIATION NOTE: instead of $PWD/1/* and $PWD/2/* – I could just use the full path of the folders with an * ending.
mkdir /testfolder/3
shopt -s dotglob
cp -ans /testfolder/1/* /testfolder/3/
cp -ans /testfolder/2/* /testfolder/3/
shopt -u dotglob

NOTE ON SPEED: This is a very quick process and can be monitored -v (for verbosity) shows every transfer – realize that it doesnt really transfer it just makes a link so it makes a small (very small file) so this process is much faster then a regular cp

NOTE: $PWD is just a variable kept in the bash system at all times which tells bash what current folder your in – random fact: changing that variable changes your path – to see what it equals just type # pwd (which is a command that simple does the following # echo $PWD) – infact try it “echo $PWD” that will list the current directory

* You can also do the case of having folder 1 to 2 where there is no folder 3, the end result would feel the same. So folder 2 would have symlinks/hardlinks to folder 1. A user in folder 2 would see folder 1 and folder 2 contents

# cd /testfolder
# mkdir 3
# shopt -s dotglob # <—- optional – turns on dotglob to grab hidden dot files with *
# cp -ans “$PWD/1/”* 2/
# shopt -u dotglob # <—- optional – turns off dotglob if you turned it on

├── 2
├── s
├── x
├── y
└── z
| └── 1
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c

Note: 1 still exist its just not shown

Explanation of used cp options:
-a or –archive
preserves attributes, links and copies directories recursively (it’s in fact alias of -dR –preserve=all)
-n or –no-clobber
prevents overwriting existing files
-s or –symbolic-link
makes symbolic links instead of literal copying
-l to make hard links
PART 2 – Unvirtualizing the result folder (or simply dereferencing the links)

Lets say we want to convert all of the symlinks and hardlinks to originals, first lets look at why.

So after the copy with -ans (or -vans for more verbosity with the v) – thats the -ans copy from above – we have something that looks like this:

├── 3
├── s
├── x
├── y
└── z
| └── 1
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c

Which is a combination of 1 and 2
However in reality everything within 3 is just symlinks or hardlinks to the actual data so it all looks like this actually

├── 3
├── s -> /testfolder/1/s
├── x -> /testfolder/1/x
├── y -> /testfolder/1/y
└── z
| └── 1 -> /testfolder/1/z
├── a
│ └── 2 -> /testfolder/2/a/2
├── b -> /testfolder/2/b
└── c -> /testfolder/2/c

Lets say you wanted to “unvirtualizing” them so it actually looks like this:

├── 3 <—————— this will be 4
├── s
├── x
├── y
└── z
| └── 1
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c

Well in reality I dont know about dereferencing each link within 3, however we can make a new folder – lets say /testfolder/4 – where each file will be a none link file (its called copy with dereferencing). So it will be like this

├── 4
├── s
├── x
├── y
└── z
| └── 1
├── a
│ └── 2
├── b
└── c


# cd /testfolder
# mkdir 4
# shopt -s dotglob
# cp -RL 3/* 4
# shopt -u dotglob

NOTE: Dereferencing does a full copy instead of making a small link so this process is much longer

NOTE: again the dotglob is optional – its just to grab the hidden dot files. So if they dont exist in 3 then no need to do the dotglob commands.


Example of use:
apt-mirror is a program that downloads a full repository to your ubuntu/debian box (you feed it a configuration file which looks similar to sources.list from apt, and it downloads the full repositories).
apt-mirror saves everything to the save location (namely the base_path variable). My base_path is /Sally/Studies/repo1.
The actual pacakges save into
/Sally/Studies/repo1/mirror/{domain name of repo}
The metadata of the packages which is equaly important for the repository to work is saved into
/Sally/Studies/repo1/skel/{domain name of repo}

So I was downloading the ubuntu and the debian repository so this is what I had after a successful apt-mirror:


Problem with this split is that programs like debootstrap and apt-get need everything from skel and mirror to be together (or merged) in fact that abstraction only exists with apt-mirror (as far as I am aware – and I could be completely wrong)

So to combine them, first I pick a name for the combination folder – combo1. Nice and original

cd /Sally/Studies/repo1/
mkdir combo1
shopt -s dotglob
cp -vans /Sally/Studies/repo1/mirror/* combo1
cp -vans /Sally/Studies/repo1/skel/* combo1
shopt -u dotglob

Or another alternative as you see in section 1:

cd /Sally/Studies/repo1/
mkdir combo1
shopt -s dotglob
cp -vans $PWD/mirror/* combo1
cp -vans $PWD/skel/* combo1
shopt -u dotglob

Since the cp commands will take a minute you can do it all in one shot:

cd /Sally/Studies/repo1/
mkdir combo1
shopt -s dotglob
(cp -vans $PWD/mirror/* combo1 && cp -vans $PWD/skel/* combo1) | tee cp.log
shopt -u dotglob

Or instead of $PWD we can just use the full paths:

mkdir /Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1
shopt -s dotglob
(cp -vans /Sally/Studies/repo1/mirror/* /Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1 && cp -vans /Sally/Studies/repo1/skel/* /Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1) | tee /Sally/Studies/repo1/cp.log
shopt -u dotglob

So the final result is
/Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1/ of skel and mirror combine – but just symlink versions of it..
/Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1/ of skel and mirror combine – but just symlink versions of it..

Now I can point an http server (like an apache2 server) to this folder – Like this:
ln -s /Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1/ /var/www/repos/

Now I can point to them with a remote machines (which still in the same lan – or even across the internet If I have my webserver and firewall correctly setup) with /etc/apt/sources.list
deb wheezy main
deb precise main

Finally lets say I want a USB copy – I cant have it just be symlinks on the USB, I need the actual data – So I need the section 2 material to derefence the links:
Lets pretend sdX1 is our imaginary USB drive
# mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/repocombo/
# shopt -s dotglob
# cp -vRL /Sally/Studies/repo1/combo1/* /mnt/repocombo
# shopt -u dotglob

NOTE: Dereferencing does a full copy instead of making a small link so this process is much longer

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