Note: This article is not mine. It was written on I am simply excerpting the whole article. This way if that site ever gets shutdown, at least there will be a copy here. I am not taking any credit for the material on this post. This article was written by Steve Schuler.

Suggested Robocopy Switches Explained

Windows’ robocopy.exe is a great command line program to quickly copy or fully backup your files, but there’s a lot of confusion out there about how to use its (not very well-documented) switches.  Here’s just what you need to know:

First of all, you probably already know that typing “robocopy /?” will give you a long list of switches to choose from.  Start there if you’re confused.  But since there are a LOT of choices, and they’re not well-explained, here’s a run-down of what I typically use, as I go about my day as an IT guy:

The basic format is: robocopy <source path> <destination path> <switches>

NOTE: I’ve found that using robocopy to copy across a network doesn’t always work using mapped drives!  Instead, use the full path (especially important when running as a Task in Windows Task Manager). For example, instead of “robocopy C:\Foo S:\Foo” do this: “robocopy C:\Foo \\SERVER\Foo

Another tip is if you’re using file paths that contain spaces, then you need to enclose each path in quotes. If no spaces, then quotes are optional.

/FFT is necessary to copy between file systems, such as Windows’ NTFS and Linux’s EXT4. If you don’t use this you can get wierdness like files looking like they’re newer than they really are, etc., since the two file systems keep time differently.

/COPYALL copies ALL aspects of the file/directory, including ownership and permissions info. Required if you’re backing up a server or something that you want to maintain group/user permissions, etc. for. (NOTE: Don’t use this switch when copying files from Linux to Windows if you aren’t logged in as the same user with admin rights on both machines! If you do, you’ll get a lot of errors like “A required privilege is not held by the client” and “The revision level is unknown” as it creates a bunch of empty folders at your Windows destination, but skips copying all your files! Instead you can use the /COPY:DT mentioned below, and if you really need to backup your Linux ownership & permissions info, save all the files in a tarball and then just backup that single file containing the directories & files with their attributes intact to Windows.)

/COPY:DT to just copy files & date/time stamps. This is good if you’re just copying some files to give to a friend, and don’t need permissions, etc. copied. Also good for copying files from Linux to Windows (see “note” in /COPYALL above).

/FP outputs the full path so you can more easily see where it is while it’s running.

/MIR exactly mirrors the files & directories, so things at the destination will be deleted if they’re not at the source. (This is the same as using /PURGE (which deletes stuff at the destination that doesn’t match) with /E (which includes Empty subdirectories)

/ZB tells robocopy to use restartable mode (which you want for large files, especially over WAN/unstable connections, since it’ll try to pick up where it left off if the connection gets dropped or there’s corruption mid-copy), and if access is denied, then it’ll use Backup mode, which allows you to copy files you might otherwise not have access to, assuming it’s being run under an account with sufficient privileges (e.g., member of Backup Operators, Administrators, etc.). (NOTE: the /Z switch sometimes slows down the copy speed, so if you don’t need it, don’t use it, especially if you feel like your Robocopy job is taking longer than it should. Sometimes there’s no speed difference, and sometimes it can be dramatic.)

/MT stands for Multi-Threaded, and tells robocopy to copy multiple files at once. The default number of threads is 8 (max is 128), but be careful, as running this over a network can really saturate your bandwidth, leaving none for anyone else. As a result, you may want to skip this one or try specifying less threads by doing something like /MT:2 which will just run two threads (instead of 1, which is what you get if you omit /MT entirely). (NOTE: This is only available in newer versions of Robocopy (Win7/2008R2 and later).  If you’re running older versions (or just don’t feel like bothering with this switch), you can simply open multiple command prompt windows and run it in multiple instances – I often will run two or three Robocopy batch files simultaneously. Also, this switch will make file copy progress numbers confusing, so it’s best to use the /NP switch mentioned below to disable outputting the copy’s progress. Some people speculate that running multiple threads can increase fragmentation, but I haven’t seen any hard evidence of this, and with increasing adoption of solid state drives, it may not matter for much longer anyway.)

/R:1 /W:3 are two switches you probably want to use together to tell robocopy how many times to retry accessing a file (1 in this example), and how long to wait between retries (3 seconds in this example).  If you leave this out, it’ll retry 1 million times with a 30 second wait between each one when it encounters a file it can’t access!!!

/XD is what you use when you want to tell robocopy to skip (i.e., exclude) a directory. Just follow /XD with a space and then the path to what you want excluded. If there are multiple directories you’d like to skip, separate them with a space. For example: /XD “C:\Foo\private stuff” “C:\Foo\plans for world domination”

/LOG:C:\LogFileName.txt /TEE /NP are three switches you’ll want to use together if you want to write the results of the copy to a log file (called “C:\LogFIleName.txt” in this example). If you want it to write what’s happening to the screen as well as to the log file, then you’ll also want to include /TEE.  And, possibly most importantly, you want to include /NP in there so that it does NOT show the progress as each file copies. If you leave this out, then your log file will be filled with every single percentage complete it displays! So you’ll have something like this: “0.0% 0.1% 0.2%” and so on, to 100% FOR EACH FILE, which is nuts.

Finally, if you want to append log file output to the end of an existing file, rather than creating a new file every time, you can modify the above line to include a plus sign, like so: /LOG+:C:\LogFileName.txt

That’s pretty much all you need to know! I figured most of this out from trial & error, as well as some internet searches. Unfortunately, I’ve read so many incorrect, or confused posts about robocopy on the internet over the years, that I wanted to write this to set things straight.  Hopefully you find this helpful – if nothing else, at least I’ll now have a handy reference for the next time I need to put together a robocopy command… 😉

One thought on “Suggested Robocopy Switches

  1. Maybe robocopy is a free helpful tool to copy files but the needs for more features and the needs for using a GUI SW make me suggest using any of the other GUI alternatives to Robocopy, which are the best on the market, we can try to google Teracopy, PeerSync, Gs Richcopy 360, GoodSync, Securecopy and FastCopy.
    My opinion is “using CL is a time-wasting”, so I prefer GUI programs, my work is easy now

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