Installing SPF13 for VIM, when getting SSL certificate errors

What is spf13? Its the best vim plugins install available online in my opinion

To checkout my spf13 vim cheatsheet:

If your experiencing ssl certificate errors while trying to install spf13. I would first fix the issue on your device/pc as to why it doesnt recognize good certs. But a workaround is this:


# get the prerequesites installed
apt-get install git
apt-get install vim
apt-get install curl

# First do this:
export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true
curl -L -k -o - | sh
# now wait until its done installing

# The default install line for spf13 is: 
# curl -L -o - | sh
# I just added the -k to ignore ssl errors

# open up cygwin terminal
# do everything form home folder for eas
cd ~
# install apt-cyg (its like apt-get but for cygwin)
# with apt-cyg you dont have to install packages with setup.exe anymore and you can use apt-cyg
# instructions:
# hopefully you have the lynx package with your cygwin - i believe it comes by default. if you dont have lynx. Then open up the setup.exe (or setup64.exe if your using 64 bit cygwin) and make sure you select lynx to be installed
lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
# install pre requisties (vi might not be needed as vim will get it)
apt-cyg install wget
apt-cyg install curl
apt-cyg install vi
apt-cyg install vim
apt-cyg install nano
apt-cyg install git
# now download the spf13 install script
# launch the installer
(source spf13-vim3)
# wait until its done.

Then  for starters read the main page for help and cool features. I think the default colorscheme is hard on the eyes but their peaksea color scheme works wonders.

# one of the best things about spf13 is the millions of colorschemes it provides

# they recommend the colorscheme ir_black
# which you can set as your default like this

# echo colorscheme ir_black  >> ~/.vimrc.local

# but instead I recommend using peaksea
echo colorscheme peaksea  >> ~/.vimrc.local

# look at the ~/.vimrc.local file after to see how that looks like
# finally realize that you can change colors from within VIM:
# hit escape, type :colorscheme space and hit TAB twice to see all the options
# press SPACE,d,j to navigate through the list of millions of colorschemes
# (before spf13 you only had like 10 crappy colorschemes, now you have alot to choose form)
# go thru the options with single TAB pressees
# like this:
# :colorscheme TAB TAB
# example
# :colorscheme blazer

If you want to launch VIM without any addons (without spf13):

# Where NONE goes a plugin name to launch VIM with, otherwise it loads the default one which is spf13 (when spf13 is installed at least). NONE is predefined in vim to start with no plugins:

vim -u NONE somefile.txt

# NONE will also turn off syntax highlighting


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