If your using find to its max extent, by using it as a selector tool of wide versatility, then your on the right path. Find is one of the strongest tools in linux. I have many more articles on find. Some may even cover this topic. However I believe I just came across a really simple way of doing something, that I might of showed you how to do in another article. Its important to understand find -exec  features. -exec will run a command on a file. -exec  has 2 modes that I know of.

The first mode is if you close -exec  with a \; , that will run the command listed in -exec  once on each file found. So if you found 10 files it will run the command in -exec  10 times, each time running the command with the other file filling up the variable {} . {}  is just a place holder for find to put the filename when you use the -exec  feature of find. Look below for an example of find using the feature -exec in the mode that ends with \;.

The second mode is if you close -exec  with a + , that will run the command listed in -exec  only once and not per file (every file found will be listed in the command list). So if you found 10 files it will run the command -exec  only once, the single time it runs it, every file that it found will be listed where you put the {}  placeholder (in between each file there will be a space). Look below for an exaple of find using the feature -exec in the mode that ends with +, actually the main topic of this article “using find to calculate the size of found files” will use this mode.

Also its important to know that {} in both cases will be correctly escaped for spaces, so if the file it found had spaces like This file.txt , it will automatically do it like this ‘This file.txt’ , or like this “This file.txt” , or like this This\ file.txt


Running it correctly with mode2 + 

find . -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -exec du -ch {} +


find -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -exec du -ch {} +

The above just looked thru the current folder recursively (you can do it by telling it the current folder with a . or not – it will assume current folder). Then I told it to find all files that have “sample” in the fullpath (yes, im deleting sample videos). Then I told it to line up all the output one after another and stick it into the “du -ch” command. -h gives me human readable sizes. -c gives me a total. And since all of the files are on the same commmand, -c can give me that total. Because I used -exec du -ch {} + instead of -exec du -ch \; it will run one command of du (With all of the files as arguments after the -ch, right where you see {}, each file will have a space inbetween each other, thats what the + feature of -exec in find does)

So if my output found

sample1, sample2, and sample3.  Then this:

find . -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -exec du -ch {} +

Would run this:

du -ch sample1 sample2 sample3

which gives me the size of sample1,2 and3, and their cumulative total size together.

Running it incorrectly with mode1 \; 

If I instead ran (-exec  ending with \; ):

find . -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -exec du -ch {} \;

Then it would run something like this:

du -ch sample1
du -ch sample2
du -ch sample3

Which would give me the size of sample1,2 and 3. But not their totals.

Remember -c  gives totals with du . So realistically if we are running find as we are above with \; , we probably didnt want totals, and we wouldnt want the result and the total printed for each file. So instead we would run it like this:

find . -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -exec du -h {} \;

So that it ran something like this

du -h sample1
du -h sample2
du -h sample3

Remember also that with -exec , +  concats the results between space, and \;  repeats the command on a new line.


You can use find to find any files or folders you want. And then get the total size of what you just found.

Our Example

For example I ran the command: find . -type f -iwholename “*sample*” -exec du -ch {} +

And I found like 10 or 15 files, that are all these sample video files that I dont want, and it told me they take up 500 MB total. (each one being like 50 MB). So I decided to delete them like this:

find . -type f -iwholename "*sample*" -delete

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