All LAMP is just Apache2 and mysql and php5 installed in that order on LINUX. Install it in that order to have dependencys not messed up (although ive set it up before in different order and it all still worked – order is just setup like that so that it reads lamp and not paml or something stupid)
AMPL would be a cool name for LAMP too come to think of it, but its too late the name is already set in stone.
So yah all LAMP is, is just those softwares installed. When you install each of those software they will install 2 to 5 other apps with it, which is completely normal.
Some install guides will show you that you need to do many configurations to make it work. But thats not the case, just install it first and that will give you a default blank slate. Then begin your configs. Note: your website goes to /var/www and by default there is a index.html that will say “this site works” when you go to (to get hostname you need dns, but this isnt a dns lesson or networking lesson)

Needed for things like wordpress etc.

INSTALL LAMP EASY ON DEBIAN (I used this and it works just amazing)
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install mysql-server
The app mysql_secure_installation will ask questions, say no to all of them, I just say yes to “remove test database” and yes “to reload privileges table now”
apt-get install php5 php-pear
apt-get install php5-mysql
service apache2 restart
Or a million other ways (remember lots of ways to do the same thing in linux)
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install mysql-server
The app mysql_secure_installation will ask questions, say no to all of them, I just say yes to “remove test database” and yes “to reload privileges table now”
apt-get install php5 php-pear php5-mysql
service apache2 restart
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install mysql-server
The app mysql_secure_installation will ask questions, say no to all of them, I just say yes to “remove test database” and yes “to reload privileges table now”
apt-get install php5 php-pear php5-suhosin php5-mysql
service apache2 restart

2 thoughts on “install LAMP (linux apache2 mysql php5) on debian

  1. Hi!

    It looks like you have some really good stuff here; I’ve bookmark’d you.

    I found your article on installing LAMP on Debian at—how-to-setup-install-wordpress-on-a-fresh-debian-system ; it’s really helping me get going.

    I haven’t finished going through it, but I have noticed three things that I thought I’d mention before going on.

    1) In creating the username, I haven’t yet gotten in the habit of adding a semi-colon at the end of my lines yet, and when I got the -> prompt, I thought I hadn’t put in the last tic mark, so I put it in, then still got the -> prompt, added a semi-colon, then … I’m not entirely sure what I did, but I wound up messing up my username so that it got created as ‘wpdb;’@’localhost’.

    It might be a good idea to put a little blurb about how to back out of a typo like that. (I was able to google it and figure it out, but it took 30-40 minutes.)

    2) When logging in as the newly-created user, I didn’t realize I was logging in as the newly-created user, and logged in the second time as ‘root’. Of course, then my results didn’t match your examples. Again, I was able to figure out what I had done by re-reading your instructions. So you might amend your text to “so we will log in as bossdb (not as root!)”. It’s not your responsibility that I didn’t pay attention to what you wrote, but that might help others who may be as dense as I am.

    3) When testing the capabilities of my new user, I saw the additional command of “select * from mysql.user;”. That command doesn’t work for me when I’m logged in as bossdb (although it does work when I’m logged in as root). I suspect that’s the way it’s supposed to be; if so, you might want to make that note in your text.

    Also, in tinkering with that, I noticed that the databases “mysql” and “performance_schema” are hidden from bossdb, but not from root. I’m wondering why that is.

    Please don’t take this as criticism; I think you’ve done a fantastic job on your article. It’s really helping me a lot, and I appreciate you taking the time to write it and make it available! Thanks!


    1. Thanks for the input
      1) how did you get out of this situation? my guess you would have to delete the user and recreate it? but yes if you accidentally forget the ; and hit enter i believe it fails or gives you another new line, which you can exit out of with CONTROL-C (but that might get you out of the mysql prompt, and you will need to enter the mysql login command to get back to the mysql prompt)
      2) ill add that in, thanks for input
      3) i believe that mysql and performance_schema are hidden because bossdb didnt get the priviledges to see those databases as they are more for a root/admin type of a user (a user with more priviledges – ill says privs from now on for short). its been a while since I did this, so I dont recall why I created bossdb. looking over now I see bossdb was my user that will only have access to the database for wordpress (wpdb). there are commands that can give the right privs to bossdb and then bossdb can access mysql and performance_schema, but we dont need bossdb to do that. this is all for security reasons. if someone comprimises bossdb, they wont be able to ruin your whole database, just your wordpress database… which brings up a good point… dont forget to backup your databases (good link on that: )
      Also I noticed you came across the thats my old site, for the newest stuff look on
      here is that same article:
      I will update your stuff on both articles (ram & www) once you let me know your trick for 1) uses google apps website hosting and uses their own google web site creator & uses a debian linux box hosted by ( which just gives me access to a linux box that is reliable & pay very minimum charges for good hosting) & I installed wordpress on it manually using the same setups that you see here. Only in mine I didnt call my bossdb, i just called it wordpressuser or something like that, as his main purpose is just to use the wordpress databases (wpdb). I have plans to change to and to but havent gotten around to it yet (need to edit my dns enteries with godaddy before I do that).

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