Setting Up Neovim, NVChad, LSP, and GitHub Copilot on MAC or Linux
1. Install Neovim
- Download the AppImage from Neovim Releases.
- Make it executable:
chmod +x nvim.appimage
- Move it into your
sudo mv nvim.appimage /usr/local/bin/nvim
Make sure /usr/local/bin
is in your $PATH
2. Install NVChad
Follow NVChad’s quickstart.
Make sure any pre-requisites are installed like NerdFont and ripgrep. Installation instructions are linked for those in the link above. Note: Personally, I use iTerm2 on my MAC with the NerdFont “FiraCode Nerd Font” set to font weight of “Medium” and a font size of “14”. I enable “Anti-aliased” and disable “Ligatures”
First remove any existing Neovim configuration:
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
Then clone NVChad and start Neovim. It will automatically start installing Plugins. Wait for the plugins to finish installing:
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
When the installation finishes inside Neovim, run:
Then exit and reopen Neovim.
3. Install Language Servers
Inside Neovim, run:
Press /
to search for these packages and press i
to install:
- Python:
- JavaScript/TypeScript:
- Go:
- Rust:
Note: Actually typescript-language-server
is not supported by NVChad as its not supported (yet) by nvim-lspconfig. See nvchad lsp doc and However, it does not hurt to install regardless – or – pick another supported one (see
Note: for each language, we install an LSP, formatter and linter from Mason.
– Python LSP: pyright
– Python Formatter: black
– Python Linter: flake8
– JS LSP: typescript-language-server
– JS Formatter: prettier
– JS Linter: eslint_d
– Go LSP: gopls
– Go Formatter: gofumpt
– Go Linter: golangci-lint
– Rust LSP: rust-analyzer
– Rust Formatter: rustfmt
– Rust Linter: clippy
4. Configure Neovim for LSP
After installing with Mason, you must enable the servers in your NVChad config. One clean method is to list them in the configs/lspconfig.lua
Open ~/.config/nvim/lua/configs/lspconfig.lua
and locate this section:
-- load defaults i.e lua_lsp require("nvchad.configs.lspconfig").defaults() local lspconfig = require "lspconfig" local servers = { "html", "cssls", "gopls", "rust_analyzer", "pyright" } local nvlsp = require "nvchad.configs.lspconfig" for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do lspconfig[lsp].setup { on_attach = nvlsp.on_attach, on_init = nvlsp.on_init, capabilities = nvlsp.capabilities, } end
Here, we simply added "gopls"
, "pyright"
, and "rust_analyzer"
to the existing servers array. With that in place, the LSPs should work as soon as you open the corresponding file types in Neovim. Note: only the LSPs supported by (see link above) will work.
Exit neovim. Open neovim against a test golang or python file to make sure it works. Note you can cycle through suggestions with Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p and select with Tab.
You can confirm everything is working with:
5. Get GitHub Copilot for NVChad
Note: You need Node.js version 18 or newer. Check out
- Install the Copilot plugin by editing
. Important: At the end and inside of thereturn { ... }
block, add:
-- Enable Copilot { "github/copilot.vim", lazy = false, config = function() vim.g.copilot_no_tab_map = true vim.g.copilot_assume_mapped = true end }
- Remap Copilot acceptance so that
is used instead of<Tab>
(NVChad uses<Tab>
already). In~/.config/nvim/lua/mappings.lua
, add:
-- Copilot Suggestion Acceptance Key map('i', '<C-l>', function () vim.fn.feedkeys(vim.fn['copilot#Accept'](), '') end, { desc = 'Copilot Accept', noremap = true, silent = true })
Run :Copilot
inside Neovim, follow the prompts. Note the “one-time code” provided in the messages area. A browser will open to Github’s authentication page. Authenticate with the account that uses Copilot and input the “one-time code”.
6. Add Theme Picker
NVChad has a built-in theme picker. To enable a shortcut for it, add this to ~/.config/nvim/lua/mappings.lua
-- Theme Picker Key map("n", "<C-t>", function() require("nvchad.themes").open { style = "compact" } end, {})
Reload Neovim and press Ctrl-t
in Normal mode to open the theme picker. Use Ctrl-n
and Ctrl-p
to navigate, and press Enter
to select a theme.
Note: I picked dark_horizons
7. Change Copilot Suggestion Color
By default, Copilot suggestions can be hard to see as they look similar to the comments. You can adjust the highlight colors by appending the following to ~/.config/nvim/lua/options.lua
-- Copilot Suggestion Colors vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CopilotSuggestion", { fg = "#83a598" }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CopilotAnnotation", { fg = "#83a598" })
9. Optional – Fix Clipboard Copy / Paste for Windows WSL
Append to the end of ~/.config/nvim/lua/options.lua
-- WSL clipboard vim.g.clipboard = { name = 'WslClipboard', copy = { ['+'] = 'clip.exe', ['*'] = 'clip.exe', }, paste = { ['+'] = 'pwsh.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))', ['*'] = 'pwsh.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))', }, cache_enabled = 0, }
8. Summary of Changes
After installing Neovim and NVChad, these are the files that might have been updated in ~/.config/nvim
– lists the servers you want to use.lua/mappings.lua
– custom key mappings (Copilot acceptance, theme picker).lua/options.lua
– custom options (Copilot suggestion colors).lua/plugins/init.lua
– additional plugins (e.g.,github/copilot.vim