MAKE A COPY PASTE OF THIS INTO CLIPBOARD MANAGER ############################################## If you like to keep your copy/paste in a clipboard manager and you like copy pasteable scripts this is for you. IRead More…
Maintaining Time on Debian – Datetime and NTP client and server
Just my notes/copy pastes from reading on the following links My sources for this: Plus two more cant find em DATETIME AND NTP CLIENT AND SERVER ################################## ##################################Read More…
LVM daily snapshot (if system only has 1 snapshot)
LVM Daily Snapshot – Only works with 1 SNAPSHOT if you have more then 1 snapshots, this script can still work with a slight modification. (email me if you want me toRead More…
LVM – Logical volume manager – thought on pvmove – what is it?
It took me a second to understand the pvmove command, but its simple once you get it… IT just moves data away (the data extents, data is kept in extents in LVM)Read More…
Kali Linux / debian – Teamviewer Install
Its not as simple as download and install or dpkg -i teamviewer.deb. Now with 32 bit systems a simple dpkg -i teamviewer.deb might suffice. By teamviewer.deb, i mean the full file nameRead More…
kali linux – install chrome – should semi apply to debian/ubuntu
Kali Linux – Chrome Installation How I Installed Chrome on Kali Linux #################################### 1. go to google chrome and download the .deb that fits your bit 32 bit or 64 bit, IRead More…
JOBS & PROCESS CONTROL – moving process to background – a new process, or a running process – bg/fg & the difference between disown/disown -h/nohup
A Rather Long Introduction Great article: Also this one: Can put a process into background using “command &“, typing “fg” will bring it to the foreground, you can press control-z toRead More…
JOBS NOTE: each command here starts with the # prompt, you obviously dont need to write the # on the prompt PUT JOB IN BACKGROUND – STILL TIED TO SHELL: # commandRead More…
ipfm – ip flow meter – NETWOK MONITORING LOGS
ipfm – NETWORK MONITORING LOGS – IP FLOW METER – ipfm.conf EXAMPLE CONFIG ipfm is a great program for generating daily and hourly reports of your network traffic. It organizes it basedRead More…
install LAMP (linux apache2 mysql php5) on debian
All LAMP is just Apache2 and mysql and php5 installed in that order on LINUX. Install it in that order to have dependencys not messed up (although ive set it up beforeRead More…