This gives script with some good output, best if the target starts off empty (better put if the your backup job is setup such that at the end the space used byRead More…
PROGRESS SCRIPT 4 CYGWIN ##################################################### This goes with the article: Backup Drive to Drive Contents via RSYNC EXAMPLE OUTPUT: =============== Sat, Jul 27, 2013 11:18:12 PM ===DF=== Filesystem Size Used AvailRead More…
Roman Numerals
ROMAN NUMERAL ############## I:1 V:5 X:10 L:50 C:100 D:500 M:1000 RULES OF THIS ROMANS ##################### SMALL BIG = BIG – SMALL example IV = V – I = 5 – 1 =Read More…
SSL Certs work amazingly
NOTE TO SELF ABOUT CERTS ########################## This is githubs cert. Saving the entire thing as a cert file makes it valid It looks for the —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– —–END CERTIFICATE—– —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– —–ENDRead More…
Rescanning your SCSI Bus to see new Storage (drive disk) thats been added to VM virtual machine VMware
COPY OF SITE – I have an OCD thing about thinking peoples sites might be down one day, so I copy paste the material out, but I still give full credit whereRead More…
zerobin – the encrypted pastebin – install
zerobin install instructions ############################# WHAT IS ZEROBIN: the encrypted paste bin HOW DOES IT WORK? (exerpt from When pasting a text into ZeroBin: *You paste your text in the browser andRead More…
youtube-dl – Download Youtube Videos and Playlists
The Views Expressed Below Do not in any way reflect Internal Doctorine or Official Statements of Netgear Inc. These are just my notes – Use at your own Risk. I will showRead More…
XOSVIEW – simple performance monitoring app
XOSVIEW is a wonderful realtime performance monitor – CPU, Memory, Network, Hardrives. Running from the LINUX XWINDOW SERVER ###################################### apt-get update apt-get install xosview xosview & If it complainsRead More…
Explanation of XARGS
SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF XARGS ########################### command1 | xargs command1 Take the output of a command1 and use it as the argument of the next command2, useful when alot of output.Read More…
Wireless Cheatsheet
WIRELESS CHEATSHEAT FOR DEBIAN ############################## –QUICK INSTALL— apt-get install wireless-tools aptitude install wireless-tools apt-get install wpasupplicant –OR– Debian 7.0 “Wheezy” Add a “non-free” component to /etc/apt/sources.list, for example: # DebianRead More…