Openhands is an agentic LLM software development platform can run multiple instances of runtimes. Its a useful tool but extracting the workspace thru the browser is a bit of a painful experience and not always successful. Its more successful to use CLI.

When running openhands using the default docker method, it starts up a master session on port 3000 called openhands-app.

# docker ps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in 0.058s (0)
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                    NAMES

e765ae1727f4   "/openhands/micromam…"   38 minutes ago   Up 38 minutes>30792/tcp,>41829/tcp,>54946/tcp,>55040/tcp   openhands-runtime-4d02bb19403c43f69d4a643adb9c6b97

c785d523b578   "/openhands/micromam…"   43 minutes ago   Up 43 minutes>32330/tcp,>46884/tcp,>52091/tcp,>55736/tcp   openhands-runtime-c2328803a36949b68681e5e5a37c7b06

d9bf26ff8aa9          "/app/ …"   44 minutes ago   Up 44 minutes>3000/tcp                                                                                   openhands-app

Then any future conversation or project (also known as runtime) that you have running, creates a new docker instance called openhands-runtime-ID.
The ID is the same as the conversation ID seen at the top of the URL bars. Each runtimes workspace is saved to that docker instances’s /workspace directory.

Use the following script to tar up the workspace to the root directory of the docker instance (so its not in the way of the workspace) and then extract it with docker copy using this bash script:

# one-liner - command to export out entire workspace from all running openhands runtimes into tar ball
docker ps | grep openhands-runtime | awk '{print $NF}' | while read i; do echo "---------"; echo "- Taring workspace and copying from $i"; docker exec $i bash -c 'date; du -sh /workspace/; rm -f /wk.tar 2> /dev/null; tar cvf /wk.tar /workspace/; du -sh /wk.tar'; DD=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S); docker cp $i:/wk.tar workspace-$i-$DD.tar; echo "gziping it"; gzip -9 workspace-$i-$DD.tar; du -sh workspace-$i-$DD.tar.gz; done

This will download the workspace to your local dir and gzip (-9) it.

Here is a multi-line version

# multi-line - command to export out entire workspace from all running openhands runtimes into tar ball
docker ps | grep openhands-runtime | awk '{print $NF}' | while read i; do
  echo "---------";
  echo "- Taring workspace and copying from $i";
  docker exec $i bash -c 'date; du -sh /workspace/; rm -f /wk.tar 2> /dev/null; tar cvf /wk.tar /workspace/; du -sh /wk.tar';
  DD=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S);
  docker cp $i:/wk.tar workspace-$i-$DD.tar;
  echo "gziping it";
  gzip -9 workspace-$i-$DD.tar;
  du -sh workspace-$i-$DD.tar.gz;

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