Mounting NTFS (windows filesystem) on Linux with ntfs-3g or ufsd
You can mount ntfs a couple of different ways in linux. Here is how you do it with ufsd or ntfs-3g. ufsd needs a kernel module installed. ntfs-3g can just be installedRead More…
You can mount ntfs a couple of different ways in linux. Here is how you do it with ufsd or ntfs-3g. ufsd needs a kernel module installed. ntfs-3g can just be installedRead More…
Firewalls usually block all inbound connections (unless we have a port forward setup, or the traffic is return traffic). Also firewalls usually allow all outbound traffic (unless we are in a veryRead More…
Wait you thought Samba and SMB and CIFs are all the same thing? Well kind of. The are all part of the same protocol that allows file sharing, and gives you theRead More…
Login to Mysql (notice username and password touch the -u and -p argument) # mysql -uusername -ppassword mysql> SHOW databases; +——————–+ | Database | +——————–+ | information_schema | | mysql | |Read More…
Lets see what files are missing from packages that are partially installed. Note this will not work on packages that are not at least part way installed (they need to be listedRead More…
If you have binary programs or scripts generating files in /tmp and you want to grab them before they disappear, then use this script. You can copy them. If you copy themRead More…
Final: (PKG="linux"; dpkg -l | grep $PKG | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I %% /bin/bash -c 'echo "—%%—-"; dpkg -L "%%" | xargs -I @@ /bin/bash -c "[[ -f '@@' ]]Read More…
Check for line endings with od (also you can use other hex tools with -c option – which is the Printable Characters format) od -c file DOS: \r \n (carriage return andRead More…
The problem / error: When doing an rsync over ssh file transfer I get this error. # rsync -avhP -e "ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" file Warning: Permanently added '[]:22,[24.155.888.155]:2022'Read More…
Below is examples of passing arguments to python via regular argument assignment, and tuples and *tuples, and dictionaries and **dictionaries. Here is my gist link for it: (older) Not covering all methods (forRead More…