The purpose of this page is to give you some handy resources that I thought were very useful and still currently do. I go to these sites often, whether im Troubleshooting, programming,Read More…
The purpose of this page is to give you some handy resources that I thought were very useful and still currently do. I go to these sites often, whether im Troubleshooting, programming,Read More…
CCLEANER ######## MY ARTICLE ON THIS, URL:—how-to-clean-it-up—the-real-way Good Crap Cleaner file (Anaylze then run) and registry (Run, save backup .reg file for safe keeping, then delete all finds) PC Decrapifier ##############Read More…
Google Voice and FREEPBX version 3 beta ====================================== NOTE: Firewall settings just need ALL OUTBOUND ALLOWED. it worked for me without messing with my firewall This is my own guide onRead More…
Transition from google sites to here (wordpress) in the works Any advice/tips please post below: plugins I should use etc…