Fix NTFS Filesystem / iSCSI LUNs on a Win PC with Active File Recovery & chkdsk
If you have an NTFS filesystem on a disk or a partition (or on an iSCSI Lun) & it is corrupt, then you might see symptoms like this: drive letter is shown,Read More…
If you have an NTFS filesystem on a disk or a partition (or on an iSCSI Lun) & it is corrupt, then you might see symptoms like this: drive letter is shown,Read More…
Step1. Start the command below # COMMAND 1 Use this command if you have "watch" # ** use this as most likely you do have watch ** watch -n0.2 'ps uxeww |Read More…
While troubleshooting wireless its nice to look at all of the needed information all at once. This command can provide all that for your windows client (of course you will still needRead More…
My favorite: ########### not forest ############## ps ax # all users all process – least info ps auxe # all users all process – more info, not wrapped ps auxeww # allRead More…
Check out the links below. Its common for drives in a RAID to fail. RAID was invented to save people from losing all of their data if a drive fails. So theRead More…
Update Alternative We will use Update Alternatives here, which is explained best by the first 2 man pages paragraphs ( """ update-alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays information about the symbolic linksRead More…
The output is like that of du, so you get the recursive output of every subfolder. # change /home to match the folder your interested in, change it to . for currentRead More…
If your copying files using cp or rsync or whatever method. Sometimes you want to see the new files or changed files in the past N seconds. You can do that likeRead More…
IFS Cheatsheet The IFS variable is the for loop delimiter. By default its set to space,tab,newline (first spaces are looked at as delimiters, and then tabs, and then newlines). This will causeRead More…
INTRO BTRFS RESTORE: runs thru the specified filesystem and tries to restore files and folders. Useful if the filesystem is not mountable. Here we will explore using different regular expression to dumpRead More…