Enable Mouse Scrolling with Screen (tested in Putty)
Screen the app that can split screens like so, is not too intuitive when it comes to scrolling thru your bash shell. Notice where the cursor is in the diagram below, itsRead More…
Screen the app that can split screens like so, is not too intuitive when it comes to scrolling thru your bash shell. Notice where the cursor is in the diagram below, itsRead More…
To print tab characters (and other control characters) you cant just press Tab because tab is a special auto complete char in bash. Control-V then Tab or Control-V then Control-I (also knownRead More…
The version of FreeBSD 8.0 that I am using is missing tee & tee -a (tee append) You know tee as in write on screen & file: date | tee thedate.txt Which will runRead More…
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1251999/how-can-i-replace-a-newline-n-using-sed Replace with space: Use this solution with GNU sed: someoutput | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' Here is cross-platform compatible syntax which works with BSD sed (FreeBSD 8 confirmed): someoutput | sed -eRead More…